Giving a workshop on reporting science to journalism students at the University of Lincoln as part of the Royal Statistical Society's BenchPress project (now the Science Journalism Scheme).
Talking about my research to local and national news media in print and on the air. Among other things, I've taken part in an episodes of BBC Radio 4's Today, Frontiers (listen here) and Sideways (listen here), given a live interview on Sky News and been interviewed for articles in New Scientist and National Geographic).
Taking part in a panel discussion on the future of medicine for Ada Lovelace Day 2020 (video above).
Designing and leading family-friendly activities involving practical science (e.g. helping people isolate and culture their own friendly bacteria; helping local Brownies earn their Science Investigator badge). I have worked with venues including the University of Nottingham's annual community open day, MayFest, Explore @Bristol, the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Thinktank Birmingham and the Cheltenham and Bristol science festivals.
Participating in a range of higher education outreach activities (biology study days, discussion workshops and summer schools) for A-level students via the University of Oxford, the Sutton Trust and the Social Mobility Foundation.